Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Next Blog

I've never really spent much time in Blogger before we started this blog, but in messing around I have clicked on the Next Blog link at the top a few times and, man, there is some awesome stuff out there.

I guess you just get sent to random blogs as you click on the link, so every experience is different. Last night, I actually found that Obama video from one of the blogs, which was definitely cool. I also came across some woman's scrapbooking blog last week - I was completely fascinated. You should have seen the intensely detailed scrapbooking pages she put together - I marveled at the thought of having enough time to do ONE of those pages, let alone books of them.

I've seen people's travel blogs (young Dutch kid in New Zealand, elderly couple in their RV), notes on video game exploits, art projects, comments on media - everything. I definitely recommend people take a spin.

I also wanted to add a couple of friend's blogs to our list of links, but I can't figure out how to do it.

#1: Brooke's India blog - this is Ryan's brother Aaron's girlfriend. She is making some comments on their travels. I love her telling of the time they spent in New York with Sergio and Bretton:

#2: Eric and Maria's blog - these are friends living in Seattle. Some of you may have met them when they have visited (Melissa knows Eric from college). They are having a baby any day now and this is their baby blog. The video of Maria's belly completely freaks me out. I'm seriously rethinking the whole pregnancy thing - enjoy!

1 comment:

bananafish said...

I got your back babe, added the blog links just now. you do it in layout or you can click on the little wrench below on the right and then add the links.