Monday, January 28, 2008

The Best Cats in the World (or at least in Minnesota)

Imagine walking into a large "ballroom" in a downtown St. Paul venue to see a sea of cat kennels. Over 25 breeds of cats, including kittens with huge black, red and white ribbons pinned to the cages. Hey, I can't call these cages! These kitties are in luxurious suites with heart shaped beds and loving owners right outside their doors lovingly taking them out to groom them once again. What do you think the sound would be? A meow here or there? A hiss? A scratch on a cage? I mean this is 300 cats in one room for heaven's sake! Well, you would be wrong. These cats never make a peep. Why? Because they are so F***ing good. They are the best cats in the world. Any cat owner who is a novice to the world of show cats would be as flabbergasted as I was. I was able to catch a few cats being judged, but I didn't really know what they were doing. I'm going to do a bit more research for next year so I can figure how the judging works. What makes a cat best in show? What are they looking for when they look at the cat butt? Cleanliness I assume. I really didn't know the etiquette as a spectator either. I was scolded for looking at a Main Coon in his cage before he was judged. I don't know if it was because I was distracting the judge and the audience because of the cute baby in my arms, or if I was disturbing the cat before his big show. We didn't stay for the end, but apparently they crowned cats King and Queen of the show. I saw the cloaks and the tiaras though. What a photo opportunity that would be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so bummed I missed it! Did you take this video? I can't imagine Motor letting someone flip him over and around without a peep - funny! I love cats in outfits, even though mine hates it. They are the perfect animal.