Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Guitar God and Miss Guided

I have heard many people talk about the game Guitar Hero, but I had never actually played it until last week - so. much. fun. Seriously, I have to get this and have all my friends over to play.

One of my co-workers brought their WII into the office for happy hour and I gave Guitar Hero a try - the music selection is very limited, but it's just so much fun rocking out and watching the crowds reaction (both in the game and in the room). We followed it up with some boxing, which was actually a serious workout. I was sweating and laughing hysterically - good times.

Also, I want to recommend a new show on right before Lost on Thursday nights called Miss Guided. I caught the pilot last week and it was really funny and well-written. It's about a guidance counselor at a high school - in the first episode it is established that she is jealous of the hot cheerleading coach teacher and totally in love with the Spanish teacher. The interesting thing is what a dope the Spanish teacher guy is - he is good looking, but a terrible teacher and completely clueless about her. I'm curious to see where they go with this show - it's not completely formulaic. We'll see how the rest of the season plays out.

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